
Monday, January 25, 2016

Moby Pixel's Goals for 2016

Hello World!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I thought that since this is the start of a new year I'd share some of my goals for 2016.

Currently Projects:
• A new Apple TV game called Epic Orchestra (more on this later)
• Rebranding Mad Calf Apps as Moby Pixel (
• Updating and maintaining iOS & Android radio apps

Future Projects:
• Updating iOS music apps including Pedal Steel, Guitar, Ukulele and More!
• Making Google Cardboard VR cart game
• Youtube app review series (

• Release the above mentioned apps
• Update my existing catalog of apps
• Rebrand as Moby Pixel

I'm really excited to get these projects under way. I hope to revisit this post later to see how it goes. Good luck to you in your adventures!

Thanks for Reading,